Friday, September 27, 2013

1st Six Weeks Exam Schedule:

Mon. Sept. 30, 2013 - Reading
Tues. Oct. 1, 2013 - Science/Math
Wed. Oct.2, 2013 - Grammar/Writing
Thurs. Oct. 3, 2013 - Social Studies
Fri. Oct. 4, 2013 - College Career
Week of: (6)Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 2013


Mon. – The Hobbit – 1st Six Weeks Exam Ch.1-7

Tues. –  Review for Writing Exam

 **Vocabulary Development
 **Read Chapters 8 & 9
Week of: (5) Sept. 23-27, 2013


Mon. – The Hobbit – Ch.4
Comprehension Questions
Vocabulary Development = Define and Explain Chps. 6 & 7

Tues. –  Comprehension Questions for Ch. 5
Students will also have a supplementary writing activity.

 **Vocabulary Development
 **Read Chapters 6 & 7

Createshoe-box diorama depicting the scene in the cave.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Contact Information

Mrs. Melinda G. Barrera
Ac2E Middle School
7th Grade Honors Reading/Writing

phone number: (956) 487-4476

Honors Reading/Writing Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Class Objective:  The objective of a language arts class is to encourage students to explore various works of literature and to develop a passion for reading and writing.  In addition, students will expand reading comprehension, develop vocabulary usage, and enhance their writing skills.
Grading Policy          
o   Daily Assignments, interactive notebook, quizzes, class participation, enrichment activities and projects = 75% of grade.
o   Six Weeks Exam = 25% of grade.
o   A minimum of 2 grades per week, excluding the unit assessment will be recorded for each student. 
o   The semester grade will be the average of the 3 six-weeks grades.
o   See Student Handbook

Materials needed:     3 Subject Spiral Notebook (Writing)
                                    1½ in. Binder (Reading)
                                    Glue / Glue sticks
                                    Colors or Colored Pencils
Class Rules:
1.      Listen and follow instructions when given the first time.
2.      Be prepared for class.
3.      Respect others at all times.
4.      Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

Class Expectations:    Throughout the course of the semester, you will be presented with very demanding and challenging coursework.  The material is designed to make you a more confident communicator.  Through thorough study in a constructivist environment, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel, not only in school, but in life as well.

Late Assignments:                  Assignments that are received late shall be reduced by no more than 5 points per day after the due date to a maximum of 20 points.  Assignments must be completed within 5 days.

Retesting Policy:                    See Student Handbook
Attendance:                          It is imperative that you attend class on a daily basis. If you miss   the lesson, it is your responsibility as an EXCELLENT student to schedule a time with me to make up the lesson.  Students will be held accountable for any missing assignments. 

Participation:                         Participation in all class activities is necessary to gain a better understanding of the material being covered.  A grade will be issued for participation.
EXCELLENCE!                          This will be a challenging year and you will have more responsibility as a 7th grade student.  Your goal is to become a student with high expectations and who is EXCELLENT – that means doing the best in all you do.

Honors Reading/Writing 7th Grade Topics – 1st Semester
**Students will use Thinking Maps® as visual tools for learning critical reading and writing to assist in preparing for college entrance exams.  Thinking Maps are based on eight fundamental processes. These include defining in context, describing qualities, comparing/contrasting, classifying, determining parts of a whole, sequencing, identifying cause and effects, and seeing analogies.
1st Six Weeks = Overview (types) of Narrative and Expository Essays
                           The Writing Process
                           Focus on Narrative Essay – Parts of an Essay
                          Types of Sentences (simple, compound, and complex)
                         End Punctuations and Spelling Rules
                          Difference between Phrases and Clauses
                         Dictionary/Thesaurus Skills
Novel: The Hobbit

2nd Six Weeks = Introduction to a thesis statement/controlling idea for Expository Essays
                          Sentence Combining; Coordinating Conjunctions
                           Comma Rules
                          Complex Sentences
                          Subordinating Conjunctions
                          Figurative Language
                          Drafting Expository Essay Based on Modeling
                          Dictionary/Thesaurus Skills

3rd  Six Weeks = Review of Narrative Essay
                          Writing Effective Introductions and Conclusions
                             Adding Detail to Writing (Thoughts, Opinions, Emotions, and Senses)
                          Vocabulary Word Choice
                          Transitional Words
                          Dictionary/Thesaurus Skills

Please fill out and sign this page to return to Mrs. Barrera as soon as possible. 

I have read and understand the syllabus for Mrs. Barrera’s Honors Reading/Writing class.

Student’s Name __________________________________

Student’s Signature _______________________________

Parent’s (Guardian) Name: _____________________________

Parent’s (Guardian) Signature: ___________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________

Telephone Number(s): ______________________________
Parent Email Address: ________________________________________
Let’s have a great year!


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