Monday, April 7, 2014

Week of: April 7-11, 2014

Primary Writing Mode:
Personal Narrative

Expository Essay


Mon. –  STAAR Review – Preparation for the STAAR Exam.
Review Glossary of Reading Terms. There are approximately 75 terms.
Reading Selection: Expository: “The Gifted Chef” ques. 1-10
Tues. – Review Glossary of Reading Terms. There are approximately 75 terms.
Reading Selection: Expository/Poetry: Paired Passage “Aurora Borealis: Nature’s Light Show”  & “The Aurora Borealis” ques. 11-26
Wed. – Review Glossary of Reading Terms. There are approximately 75 terms.
Reading Selection: Narrative:
Paired Passage “Worry Dolls” & “Dreamcatchers” ques. 24-35
Thurs. – Review Glossary of Reading Terms. There are approximately 75 terms.
Reading Selection:Poetry: “Something to See” ques.36-40


Mon. Introduce Prompt: Expository
Write an essay explaining what family traditions are important to you and why.
Tues. –  Planning using Thinking Maps/Flee Map
Wed. – Continue essay and revise and edit.
Thurs. – Final copy of essay submitted.           


Friday –  
 “Autism Walk” at Joe R. Sanchez Stadium

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