Friday, March 21, 2014

Week of: March 24-28, 2014

Primary Writing Mode:
Personal Narrative
Expository Essay


Mon. – Introduce Expository Essay:
READ the following quote.
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different  woman from her grandmother. ~ Susan B. Anthony
THINK carefully about the following statement.
Some inventions have had a huge impact on the way we live our lives. An invention may make our jobs easier, or it could change the way we communicate, or it might provide us with great entertainment.
WRITE an essay explaining how an invention that has influenced your life.
Tues. –  Grammar – Revise & Edit Practice. Planning using Thinking Maps/Flee Map
Wed. – Continue essay and revise and edit.
Thurs. – Final copy of essay submitted.


Mon. –  Expository Selection: “Tenzing Norgay, Mountain Climber” ques.1-8
Tues. –  Expository Selection: “Mateo Tepee” (Native American story) ques.1-8
Wed. – Expository Selection: “Biking through  West Texas” ques.1-8
Thurs. – Newspaper Article: “Green Think: Do We Really Need Lawns Anyway?” ques.1-8


Friday –  
Writing Assessment


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