Friday, January 10, 2014

4th Six Weeks - Week of: Jan. 13-17, 2014

Primary Writing Mode:

Personal Narrative
Expository Essay

Novel: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne


Mon.Grammar – Revise & Edit using Kamico. Skills: add facts/details, revise drafts to ensure internal and external coherence, inconsistencies, precise word choice, simple, compound, and complex sentences, spelling, adverbial phrases, relative pronouns. Assessment 6
Tues. –  Continue Assessment 6
Wed. – Grammar – Revise & Edit using Kamico. Skills: present effective intros.  and concl., simple, compound, and complex sentences, spelling, consisitent point of view, commas between coordinate adjectives, apostrophes, irregular verbs. Assessment 6
Thurs. – Continue Assessment 7


Mon. – Education Discovery Video-Part I – The Holocaust: In Memory of Millions. Discussion over Ch. 1 and comprehension questions.
Tues. –  Literary Device – Onomatopoeia. How does the author use onomatopoeia in the chapter? Give examples.
Wed. –  Education Discovery Video-Part II– The Holocaust: In Memory of Millions. Ch. 2 – Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle and comprehension questions.
Thurs. – Literary Device – Alliteration. Analyze how the author uses alliteration in ch. 1-2, and create examples of alliteration.

Storyboard:  A storyboard is a series of pictures that tell about an important event in a story.
Students will create a storyboard by illustrating the events describes in the chapters 1 – 2.

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