Friday, January 31, 2014

Week of: Feb. 3-7, 2014

Primary Writing Mode:
Personal Narrative
Expository Essay

Novel: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Mon. Class Discussion on reading assignment Ch. 10 . Vocabulary Development & Comprehension Questions on Ch. 10.

Tues. –  Language Activities – Investigate The Star of David – using the internet, students will find out who was required to wear  emblem during World War II.

Wed. – Synonyms – students will use the context of the sentence and choose the best synonym for the underlined word in each sentence.

Thurs. – Comprehension Questions – Chapter 11-12. Chapter 11 contains a literary device called a flashback.  Define the device and explain why it can be a very effective tool for a storyteller.

Mon. – Introduce Narrative Essay. Students will work on Flee Map to organize ideas.

Tues. –  Continue Flee Map and adding details to essay.

Wed. – Begin final copy.

Thurs. –  Observation Chart – The novel is filled with sights and sounds – especially those from nature.  Students will look back and get examples of the five senses- sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Students will finalize Narrative Essay to be turned in on Friday.
Read Ch. 13,14, & 15


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